Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Characterization of clytemnestra. I will need the works cited Essay

Characterization of clytemnestra. I will need the works cited - Essay Example As a talented playwright, Aeschylus skillfully reversed her roles to those of male characters in ancient Greece. Apart from been depicted as an authoritative and dominating woman, she is also depicted as vengeful wife and a troubled wronged mother. Due to hear strength, she skillfully and willfully gains her success of revenging against her husband. Aeschylus used her as symbol of versatility and courage within the male dominated Greek society, since it was very hard for a woman of time to exhibit such influence and authority. A character like Clytemnestra’s requires clever and calculated handling especially when one reflects on the play’s setting of Greek society in mind hence Aeschylus must have developed her with a lot of skill. She is introduced to the reader, following her husband’s murder of Iphigeni, her daughter. Agamemnon, her husband had sacrificed Iphigeni to goddess Artemis so as to have favorable winds in the journey to troy. The sacrifice greatly angered her and she made a decision to revenge upon her husband’s return. Later on, she succeeds in her revenge by killing her husband and his concubine, Cassandra. The elder see her as untrustworthy but had not suspected she would go ahead to murder her husband. She talks using plain words that have very deep hidden meaning to the individuals around her (Winnington 133). Her courage is depicted when she alludes to undertake the murder plan without fearing being detected. In fact, her character is so strong that, only the audience can easily read her motives. Clytemnestra is portrayed as a cunning woman. She managed to coax Agamemnon into submission. Her hopes in requesting him to walk over the rich purple tapestries is get support of the angered gods in her murder plan. She manages to convince him to accept her offer by cunningly challenging him to prove his manhood. In this case, she actually calls him

Monday, October 28, 2019

What Extent Is English A Global Language?

What Extent Is English A Global Language? There are numerous different languages are being used throughout the world. Since there are too many different languages, a global language is produced. A language can achieve this status only when it is important to the world activities such as communication between countries, trading between different countries across the world and culture. It plays an important role and it is recognized by every country (Crystal, 2003). Crystal (2003) reports that English has already reached this stage and there are nearly a quarter of the worlds population around 1.2 to 1.5 billion people is already know and use English. Nowadays, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. English has become a global language not because of it is both easy to learn and is superior to other language but it has strong power base. The thesis of this essay is divided into a few parts, first look at what is a global language and what makes a language global then why English become a global language. Global language means a language which is using around the world and it is important to the world operation and influencing the domains of the human activity in the world. For example, global language is usually uses to write songs, use to trading throughout the world and communication between countries in the world. Global language is important to the world operation and a global language is needed in the world. A language has two mains ways to become global. It can be an official language and foreign language of countries. Official language means a language which wildly used as medium of communication, such as media, the domains as government and the education system (Crystal, 2003). It also can be the first language of few countries. Crystal (2003) claims that a language can have a global status when it is used by other countries around the world. Since a language cannot become global only use by itself. Foreign language means a language teaching in school which has no official status. A mother-tongue language becomes the foreign language and the official language is the step to make the language become global since a language cannot have a global status when it is not taken by the other countries. And English has finished the step to become an international language. English has become an international language not because it is easy to learn. There is no language is easy to learn and better, the difficulty of a language is depend on different learner and Lutz (2010) points that it depends on which level of the learner want to achieve, the higher level, the more difficult. Ellis (1985) says that age, aptitude, cognitive style, motivation and personalities are the five main aspects which separate individual learner differences in a different level. This means the difficulty of language are depends on learner. Ellis (1985) reports that aptitude is a main factor to divides the language learner to different level. If a learner has a good aptitude and a effective way to study a second language, the language will become easier. Learner motivation also is a important factor that make a learner learn a second language success. A learner can likely learn a second language to be success when the motivation is high. Crystal (2003) reports that the intrinsic structural properties, the size of its vocabulary or it has been a vehicle of a great literature in the past or it was once associated with a great culture or religion are the motivation of some learner to learn a language but not the reasons make the language become global. English has become an international language also not because it is superior to other language. Crystal (2003) says that there are many people claim that a language can become global because its sense beauty, clear expression or religious standing and these are the misleading beliefs. Language can become a global language not because the beauty of the language and the number of people who speak it but who speak the language. There are some properties of English makes it become global appealing but the characteristics of the language are not the main reason to be worth to learn but the relative importance between the language characteristics and the internationally value. This make a language be more appealing but not superior to the other languages. English may be more appealing than other languages but not superior to languages. Crystal (2003) says that language can become a global language not because the beauty of the language and the number of people who speak it but who speak the language. English can become a world language mainly because of the strong military power and economic power. Crystal (2003) shows that a language cannot become global without strong power-bases, such as political power, military power and economic power. These are the dominance of the language which makes a language become global. The military power is the main reason to make a language become a global language. When a country has a strong military power, the others need to listen to the language spoken by the people in that country. Which means it makes that language is used in many countries. Between the world war two, Britain set up a lot of colonies. English became the official language and foreign language of the colonies. This is very important to be the official language and foreign language of the colonies because it is a important step to make a language become global. English must be taken by others countries to become global because a language cannot become global when it is only use by the countries which English is the mother-tongue. So English become the official language and foreign language of the colonies becomes the base of English to become a global language. an economic power is still needed to maintain and expand the status of the language. Economically power became a main aspect which maintain and expand the status in the start of twentieth century. The economic start to growth and develop around the world and there are many new markets were born. There were many new technology are invent. Communication between countries is needed to develop the economic and market. Country has a stronger economically power, the first language of that country will become more important and it can maintain it longer and expand it to larger through the economy. Crystal (2003) claims that Britain had be come the worlds headmost industrial and trading country at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The growth of economy of the English is the fastest in the world. These built the foundation of English in the world through the colonies and the economy. These are the two mains reasons to give English a global status. In conclusion, English has become an international language is not because it is both easy to learn and is superior to other language because there is no language is superior to other language and the difficultly of a language is depend on the individual learner differences. The reasons why English can become a global language because the military and the economic power of the countries which speak English And English was in the right place at the right time. (Crystal, 2003:7-10) English set up the base to the world through out the world by Britain colonies. English is also maintained and expended by the economically power and military power of Britain and USA. That the reason why English can become the global language and why English can still be the global language until now. (1262 words)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Popularity of Colin Powell Essay -- Colin Powell Governmental Poli

The Popularity of Colin Powell Everywhere he goes, Colin Powell is besieged. Bicycle messengers in spandex tights stop him on the streets of Washington and urge him to run for President. Waiters at restaurants advise the retired general to aim for the White House. CEOs quietly pledge money should Powell decide to run. Political operatives of both parties would like to ignore Powell--but can't. "I don't think about it a lot," claims a senior White House official, before admitting, "If Powell does run, he will be a significant player." Another in the White House is more fatalistic: "If he runs, we're dead." Says William Lacy, Bob Dole's top strategist: "If he jumped in the race today, he would be the principal competitor for us." Everywhere he goes, Colin Powell is applauded. In the hall in San Diego where the Republican Party will nominate its presidential candidate about a year from now, the crowd is instantly on its feet as his presence is announced and he bounds down to the podium. He speaks for 50 minutes, without notes, taking the crowd through the cold war, through Korea, Vietnam, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Operation Desert Storm and the occupation of Haiti. Powell, 58, tells moving tales of his upbringing in Harlem and the South Bronx, of sitting in the Hall of St. Catherine in the Kremlin, where he heard Gorbachev declare that the cold war was over. And when Powell has delivered his set speech, the inevitable question rises from the floor: "When are you going to announce that you're running for President?" The rapt audience carefully weighs the well-rehearsed answer, word by word. "Thank you very, very much. And I'm very, very flattered. I'm honored and humbled. It's a question I receive regularly, and I don't know what I'm going to do with my life after my book is finished. The book is out this fall, and then I'll have to make some choices. "I tell people that I'm not a professional politician. I was truly a soldier." Another wave of applause washes over him. "Even after working two years in the West Wing, there isn't a single one of my White House friends from those days who could tell you today whether they think I'm a Republican or a Democrat. That was part of the code I lived with. Now I'm no longer protected by my uniform. As I go around the country, I'm trying to develop a political philosophy, just to be a good citizen, not n... votes taking away the most reliable core of the party's electoral support and vacuuming up votes Clinton needs if he is to win in 1996. And how could a nonparty President actually govern? It is likely both parties in Congress would be plenty angry with President Powell for having broken up their games. Would there be a proliferation of parties, turning American democracy into a version of Italy's fractured, shifting coalition style? Friends counter that Powell could form a bipartisan government of national reconciliation. But he has known many Third World coup leaders who say they have taken power to achieve national reconciliation. Powell, by his own admission, has always been a supremely cautious calculator of risks and rewards. He succeeded as a political general by knowing where the boundaries were, knowing what was possible and what was not. There is nothing in the life of Colin Powell to suggest he would be the man to toss a grenade into the entrenched positions of American politics. On the other hand, Powell has bounded up the career ladder two and three steps at a time. He is a very determined man. Meanwhile, he is thinking, calculating, weighing his choices.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Powerful institutions such as the mass media, the police and judiciary label social groups as deviants and/or criminals

Labelling is present in many areas of sociology, and crime and deviance is no exception. It involves a ‘label' or categorisation being applied to someone or to the social group of which they belong, either rightfully or wrongfully, which can have detrimental or positive effects. Various institutions label social groups, some believe it is done predominantly by the police, mass media and judiciary system. By exploring aspects like moral panics, arrests, and laws passed by the judiciary, we will establish to what extent these institutions do label these social groups as deviants and/or criminals. Labelling theory is a theoretical approach derived from symbolic interactionism, which looks at the consequences of having a particular social typing or label placed on an act, group or person. What the labelling theory alerts us to is the way in which the whole area of crime is dependent upon social constructions of reality – law creation, law enforcement and the identities of law breakers are all questionable. The media composes a key element of creating these social constructions. When considering reports of crime on television for example, they are thought to help create or inform people's perceptions of crime, and of which social groups are deviants and/or criminals. There is also a problem when defining ‘criminal' and ‘deviant' because it depends on the individuals own perceptions, there is no universal definition. The relationship between the media and crime when concerning labelling theory is emphasized by a concept known as a moral panic. The idea of a moral panic can be defined as outrage stirred up by the media in reaction to a particular social group or issue. Sociologist Stan Cohen in his study of the ‘mods and rockers' first adopted the term. Since the media had a lack of new stories around that time, they caused these two groups to be classified as ‘folk devils', meaning that they were the subjects of the moral panic and seen as troublemakers. Due to the extensive media coverage, young people were classified or ‘labelled' as either ‘mods' or ‘rockers', and some internalised the label and were actually violent. Consequently, this helped to create the violent stereotype that the ‘mods' and ‘rockers' were supposedly famous for. This confirmed the media's image that they were troublemakers to the public. Becker examined the possible effects upon the individual of being publicly labelled as deviant. It is a ‘master status'. The youths were stigmatised and given this label by the media as deviant troublemakers, so eventually come to see themselves as being deviant – their master status. All other qualities become unimportant, and they person is responded to solely in terms of their master status. If someone is labelled as criminal for example, this largely overrides their status as parent, neighbour, friend etc. nd others only respond in terms of the label. The police may also target the youths on once this moral panic occurs, so the may change their behaviour to avert punishment or stigma. Discussion of the area concerning the police's role of applying these deviant labels to social groups is also an interesting one. Since there are significantly higher rates of imprisonment of blacks than their proportion in the population, the issue is important when considering race. The Metropolitan police, for example, reported that 37% of those stopped were from ‘ethnic minorities', where as they form 20% of London's population. There are higher rates of stop and search among black and Asian youth than among white youth. Arrest rates of alleged offenders were also significantly higher for those of Afro-Caribbean origins than whites. A study by Walker suggests that, although there may well be police bias in stops and arrests, statistically the difference in arrest rates is so high that the only way this could explain the discrepancy in the figures would be ‘to arrest black people more or less at random and charge them falsely'. Blom-Cooper and Drabble argued that black defendants are likely to be charged with more serious crimes than white defendants when the actual offences committed are similar. For example, black defendants are more likely than other groups to be remanded in custody. Stephen Lawrence is an example, of a black person being treated unjustly by the criminal justice system. Four white people were accused of his murder, but were not found guilty. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the case, as the Metropolitan police were accused of tampering with the evidence so it was inadmissible in court. The question is, had it of been four black people murdering a white person would the case have had the same outcome? In reviewing this evidence, it seems that the treatment of black people in the criminal justice system is very unsatisfactory. It seems the police are labelling the blacks as deviant, concentrating policing in the inner city areas where the majority are. The judiciary system already has preconceived ideas about blacks, and this affects the amount that are arrested, prosecuted and put on trial in the courts. Some would say that black youths have even developed their own subcultures, as a form of resistance to capitalism and negative labelling. From a Marxist perspective, youth are the social group that are under the least control by the bourgeoisie. They do not pay taxes or have mortgages, like the working-class do. Since the youth then find it hard to legitimately achieve the high societal goals, they develop ‘magical solutions' via youth subculture. In the same way, blacks have found themselves marginalized from white society, and in response have developed their own subculture resisting capitalism and often turning to crime. They are essentially ‘driven underground' by the labels the media and police apply. Another social group that the media and police can be seen to ‘drive underground' is the subculture of drug-takers. This is a good example of how the police label this social group as deviant and a problem to society. In a study by Parker, he found that the drug-takers regarded their activity as being wholly innocent and consisting of just ‘having fun'. Another interesting aspect is that the drug-takers come from backgrounds that just do not fit the media's stereotype of a deviant criminal. Parker discovered in his study that drug-takers are mostly middle-class, in full time work or further or higher education. Furthermore, there is little if any violence and most clubbers were reported to feel ‘completely safe'. It is thought that the media and police's labelling of this social groups is a little extreme, and is resulting in the culture being driven further underground. Another instance of this media labelling surrounds the case of the death of Leah Betts, when she died after taking an ecstasy tablet on her 18th birthday. The media claimed she was ‘poisoned' by the drug, called for tougher legislation and their was a lot of outrage stirred up by extensive media coverage. After various tests, it was then revealed that the pill she had taken was virtually pure and she had kidney failure from drinking too much water. It seems that sadly, the only person responsible for her death was herself, and the pill was perhaps just there at the wrong time. It was also revealed it was not the first ecstasy pill she had taken. After the moral panic and the way the media amplified the situation, it turns out there is little supporting evidence for their claims. Perhaps this subculture is not as deviant as the media make out, even classifying drug-taking as a subculture is questionable since millions of ecstasy pills are sold each year and their use if widespread. A confidential survey of pupils' behaviour in a representative sample of 20 fee-paying schools showed 43 per cent of pupils in the lower sixth form (aged 16-17) reported experimenting with drugs and one in eight said they were regular users. Illegal drug taking is no longer limited to a disaffected and rebellious few. It is part of the culture of teenagers. They do not believe it is as dangerous as we say it is. Even where they recognise the dangers, they are not deterred believing that most enjoyable activities involve some risks,† the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference (HMC) said. A 19-year-old who left a private sixth form college last summer, and was previously at a fee-paying boarding school in London, talks about drugs and school. He says â€Å"From the age of 14 upwards, about 50 per cent of us were smoking marijuana at lunchtime. And I can't think of anyone from my sixth form who hasn't tried drugs. † There have been many other moral panics as well as drug takers that have le to the stigmatization of various groups by the media and police. One such case that stigmatized young people was the murder of James Bulger. Two 11-year-old boys in Liverpool from a shopping mall abducted James Bulger. He had massive injuries inflicted upon him, which resulted in his death and he was left on a railway line. The deviant act committed by the children dominated newspaper headlines and stirred up public outrage. The murder was portrayed by the media as a horrific act, which symbolized the degeneration of modern British society, despite the fact that statistically such murders were extremely rare and the UK, though not unique. When Mary Bell aged 11 years old murdered two toddlers in 1968 there was no such moral panic, and seemed to be largely ignored by the press. The media used the Bulger case to symbolise all that was wrong with Britain, they focused on the difference between innocence and evil and why we as a society had allowed it happen, it suggested the increase of public indifference, lowering family values and increasing isolation. It generated massive public guilt, and since predicted a breakdown of societal values and cohesion. There was a significant focus on child crime, as people searched for answers to this tragedy. The group's stigmatization was further fuelled by polices claims that juvenile crime was on the increase and young people were out of control, breaking the law due to insufficient penalties for their delinquency. This prompted demands for tighter controls, curfews for young people and stricter laws. However, other statistics showed that juvenile crime had indeed dropped, these were dismissed by the authorities because claiming the figures a misrepresentation and only appeared so due to a reduction in numbers in the juvenile population. There were also calls for stricter controls on violent films as it was reported by the media that the boys may have been influenced by the film Child's Play III though there is little evidence in place to support this argument. Overall, it seems the police; mass media and judiciary do label social groups as deviant and/or criminals. From the above examples, we can see cases where this happens with a resulting effect of alienating or categorizing a social group in a negative light. When the powerful institutions do seem to label, it does however largely depend on one's definition of criminal or deviant, but the powerful institutions can be seen to play a part in creating this definition.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Productive and Counterproductive Behavior Paper

Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors Paper * * University of Phoenix * Instructor Julie Wilson * November 14, 2010 * * * * * * * * * * * * Productive and Counterproductive Behaviors Paper * Organizations strive to achieve one main goal and that is to be productive. No business wants to go under or stay in the same position year after year not growing. One does not have to really know the definition of productive and counterproductive because the word its self say plenty. To me, productive behavior says achieve goals and completing tasks. Counterproductive says just the opposite.This paper will analyze the relationship between productive and counterproductive behavior in organizations. The paper will define productive and counterproductive behavior; describe the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on the job performance and the overall performance of an organization. I will also recommend strategies to increase productive behavior and decrease counterprod uctive behavior in organizations. * Productive behavior is defined as employee behavior that contributes positively to the goals and objectives of the organization (Jex & Britt, 2008).Productive behavior is the type of behavior just about every organization wants to have in their employees. Productive behavior types are those who want to achieve tasks and work great with the other employees to achieve those tasks. Counterproductive behavior can be defined as a type of behavior that goes against the organization in achieving goals. Example of counterproductive behavior is late for work, procrastination on assignments, and not returning on time for breaks so that some one else can take theirs. Productive behavior and counterproductive behavior relate to each other because they involve people. Productive behavior is most likely to have a positive impact on an organization. Productive behavior type employees tend to complete more tasks in shorter time or meet the deadline proposed b y management. Productive behavior affects the organization in accomplishing goals. The organization performance for productive employees will show in maybe revenue. In an organization, counterproductive behavior has a negative impact. The job performance from an employee who has counterproductive behavior shows up poorly in evaluation, tasks, and in revenue.The impact counterproductive behavior has on the organization can affect the organization. A company loses money to pay employee who does no work on the clock. A counterproductive employee can turn productive employees into counterproductive employee because of their lack of motivation some might be influenced easily. * There are many strategies management to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior. To increase productive behavior management can reward those employees for their job performance. This will help keep up the motivation for productive employees.By offering incentives, employees will be qui cker to complete tasks in an overall productive and effective manner. To decrease counterproductive behavior, management needs to look at the employees they can help and those who are not up for change. The best solution is just to terminate the employee who is not up for change, so that this behavior does not become contagious. A proficient way to minimize the amount of counterproductive behavior is to make sure that employees understand that there are penalties for nonproductive behavior in an organization.By allowing employees to comprehend the negative effects of counterproductive behavior, an organization is making the fact that a counterproductive behavior is unacceptable aware to the entire employee staff. This should make employees who normally exemplify counterproductive behavior more aware of the negative effect they are having on the organization and that there are consequences for their negativity. * In conclusion, most organizations have two types of behaviors. The type s of behaviors are productive and counterproductive behavior.The two types of behaviors are noticeable in the workplace. The one working, come into work on time, first to arrive last to leave, and excited about work is the employee exemplifying productive behavior. In order for an organization to be successful, management has to choose which behavior to uphold in the work place.References Jex, S. M. , & Britt, T. W. (2008) Organizational Psychology. A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2nd ed. ). : John Wiley & Sons. * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *